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Writer's pictureAngelina Shalygina

Citrus Lifehack

When things became quite real with the pandemic, I decided to use my good old, well-tested life hack for immune system boost.

Citrus juice.

If you tried it, you may know that it is a direct injection of the vitamin C into your body.

Why do I prefer this source of vitamin C instead of consuming vitamin C in tablets?

  • Every time since my first and last operation, I used the approach of ‘maintaining instead of fixing’ towards my health (and not only health but my work and my personal life). Together with this approach I actually give my body work on building things itself without giving a "Ready-to-go” solution. When I consume lemon or lime juice, I give my body a piece of ‘food’ to digest and extract the required elements.

  • Your body is a smart mechanism. It is also a very hard-working mechanism. Being a workaholic myself, I know that my body is like me: it wants to have something to work on. Citrus needs to be digested first whereas tablets are like Deliveroo of vitamins - one day your body becomes too lazy to prepare this "meal" by itself.

  • Together with the citrus squeezed juice you are also getting other important elements for your body that are targeting weight loss and improve your digestion.

There is a NO:

Before you start your Squeezed trick, make sure your body is ok with extra solid portion of acidic elements. If your body has already high acidity, there are some side effects associated with drinking lemon/lime squeeze in that case: including worsening ulcers and developing GERD (gastroesophageal reflux). Before you even think of regular squeezed lemon consumption, make sure you know the features of your body and it is safe for you.

Benefits, Benefits, Benefits:

I have been doing citrus squeeze from the day of Australian lockdown (23rd March, 2020) and I can see the following changes in my body after 4 weeks:

  • I feel more energetic to start my day (I consume it before breakfast but after training). Although, I might have a full-on exhausting training in the morning, citrus juice/squeeze brings my energy level up

  • I am not rushing into breakfast! It is actually a big one for me as I used to struggle with food addiction. I remember I could prioritise my food consumption over a post-training shower, stretching and planning my day. Food was the biggest motivator in the morning and I could feel being very annoyed before I had a meal. My stress-eating is not an issue anymore and the citrus juice only supports it.

  • Vitamin C. Even though it might not be enough for a daily dose of this vitamin to resist to viruses (which is very hot topic these days), it is a good morning boost. I do consume additional vitamins and minerals during or after my breakfast as well.

  • I LOVE the taste - this is the thing that I am looking forward in the morning, super sour and yummy :)

  • Another healthy habit. I do not like routine regardless how good it might be but I do like good habits.

I noticed that when I am not at home where I have a stock of my citruses or I didn’t get a chance to squeeze some juice, there is no much point of consuming it in between of meals. Sometimes it was alright to have it on empty stomach before lunch but considering you have already had breakfast and/or even morning healthy bite, the juice might just mixed up with digested food. I am not an expert and might be wrong but I didn’t have that boost of energy when I consumed it in between of meals.

I would keep going with this little life hack for a while especially coming to winter time. However, I would not do it longer than 4 weeks in one time - just to ensure I am not naturally changing acidic level in my body. I have stopped after 4 weeks and take a break before I can come back to my “yummy habit”.

I also use my other good old life hack - adding some good stuff to my daily water bottle - ginger, lemon, cucumber, mint, etc.


Ange xx

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